Cadet Softheat EBHN1000 Manuale Utente

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Safer Construction Tips
for the Environmentally Sensitive
by Julie Genser
non-toxic construction consultants: Melinda Honn, Greg Conrad
Note from author
Housing has always been a personal passion of
mine, starting when I studied design and environ-
mental analysis at Cornell University in the 80s,
ignited while I traveled the world in the late 90s,
and continuing as I completed an ecovillage
and permaculture design certification course
during the summer of 2004 and then went off to
study sustainable architecture at ECOSA Institute.
What happened next might have been pre-
dictable given all the signs in the preceding
years, but being fairly ignorant about environ-
mental illness, it took me quite by horror and sur-
prise. After multiple exposures to various toxins
over the years—mercury, arsenic, fumes from toxic fires (including 9/11), a mold infestation in
my small NYC apartment, and Lyme bacteria—exposure to some local pollen or mold in
Prescott, Arizona set off a chain reaction in my body, resulting in extensive and severe chemical
sensitivities within a few days of my arrival.
I struggled the first month to survive my bodys confusing reactions to the extreme heat, con-
stant controlled fire burnings, wood burning stoves, gas fumes, mold, and other environmentally
based health challenges. I was experiencing a complete blockage of my sinuses, excruciating
migraines, brain fog and confusion, sleep apnea, numbness in my shins, and a host of other
debilitating symptoms. Increasingly, I was forced to remain in the house I had rented, as being
outdoors caused a great exacerbation of my condition. Indoors was not much better. Soon I
was alone 24/7, unable to attend class and struggling just to survive through each day and
night. I buried myself in my course books, determined to stay on track with homework and fasci-
nated by passive solar design principles. I learned a lot in that short time.
I ended up dropping out of the program soon after. I had gone there with the dream of design-
ing my own earth house, and left with a desire to build communities for the chemically sensitive,
incorporating permaculture and passive solar design principles in the hopes of helping heal the
earth as I helped heal people. I started this brochure as a coordinator for MCS-Global, a non-
profit organization dedicated to global MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) education and
awareness. I have since left MCS-Global to focus on my own personal project, Planet Thrive, a
grassroots community for personal wellness with a focus on the health-environment connection.
hope the following suggestions help guide those starting a construction project to build the
safest, most comfortable, most sustainable haven that nurtures spirit and not just body. Please
visit my online community at for additional resources on non-toxic and
sustainable housing. –Julie Genser August 2007
EI House Snowflake, Arizona ©Snowflake Beach
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Pagina 1 - Safer Construction Tips

Safer Construction Tipsfor the Environmentally Sensitiveby Julie Gensernon-toxic construction consultants: Melinda Honn, Greg ConradNote from authorHo

Pagina 2

• Larger homes with high/cathedral ceil-ings will help disperse interior pollutants better than a small home with normal height ceilings.• Build a lon

Pagina 3

• Install a central vacuum system that dis-charges exhaust directly to the outdoors and locate the vacuum hose and wall plate in a utility closet to m

Pagina 4

system you choose—can be located out-side the home in a utility shed far from your living space. It is best to use a ‘closed system’ that re-circulate


materials in operation before installing. Safer materials for heating include ceramic tiles and stainless steel.3• If using propane gas, locate the he


a. Keep the heat in—and the cold air out.1. Locate spaces that need less heat (closets, stairs, garages, etc.) along the north wall, and spaces that n

Pagina 7 - © Jeffrey Smith / iStockphoto

d. Protect from sun.1. Do not build on east or especially west slopes. South slopes are best if solar heating is required in winter (north slopes are


k. Ventilate naturally to cool during Spring and Fall.1. Use “night flush cooling” to cool your home at night in preparation for the heat of the next

Pagina 9 - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

• Mold and electrical sensitivities are envi-ronmentally triggered illnesses that occur in a subset of those with Chemical Sensitivity. We recommend t

Pagina 10 - © Joel Kapp

computer and other equipment should be kept away from critical areas like the bedroom. MATERIALS SELECTION• Steel studs should only be used inside wal

Pagina 11 - © Yin Yang / iStockphoto

ing, High Intensity Lighting (HID), MetalHalide, and arc lamps. Test for your sensi-tivities before installing electrical and lighting equipment.• Low

Pagina 12 - ©Joel Kapp

© 2007 Julie Genser / Planet Thrive, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this brochure may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means,inc

Pagina 13 - Kitchen Door © Melinda Honn

ground (chassis) and neutral.PLUMBING• Copper pipes, although preferred by many who are chemically sensitive, are not ideal for ES as they conduct EMF


• Practice a chemical-free lifestyle to reduce your total body burden of toxins: replace all personal care and home-cleaning products with chemi-cal f

Pagina 15 - Cooling Pond

sources:1, 2, 3• Ideally, build your foundation on a slab to avoid basements and crawlspaces, as both can have moisture and mold problems in just abou

Pagina 16 - 1, 2, 7, 8

Berms: down-slopes of land that can direct water away from your foundation. Shoemaker advises: fill the berm withpebbles, then cover with mesh near th


• Install a whole house HEPA air purification system to remove mold spores. Be aware that some Hepa filters may use glues that contain formaldehyde. I

Pagina 18

• Personally test all materials overnight, or longer, to see if they are well tolerated while you sleep, as reactions are often more prominent at nigh

Pagina 19

adobe• Adobe is a great building resource in dry climates, however, in wet climates those with chemical sensitivities may be sensitive to the wet eart

Pagina 20 - ©Anne Clark / iStockphoto

resistant, energy efficient, and durable. Its manufacturing process emits no pol-lutants, creates no by-products or toxic waste products, and uses 80

Pagina 21 - Tree Hugging

gypsum concrete floor underlayment used in concrete construction, then install ceramic tiles on top.pier and beam• If your house needs to be elevated,

Pagina 22 - ©JES Construction, Inc

• Although preferred by some with CS, copper pipes are not ideal because they conduct electricity. Copper also does not insulate, and has been linked

Pagina 23 - ©Mitch Aunger / iStockphoto

indexi Note from Authorii Copyright and Disclaimeriii Index1 Great Expections: Be Realistic 2 Choose Your Neighborhood: Location, Location, Location4

Pagina 24 - 1, 2, 4, 5, 9

to protect against water absorption, ter-mites, and decay; contain no solvents or heavy metals. First test to see whether you tolerate air leaking thr

Pagina 25

earth plaster• Tolerated by some with chemical sensitivi-ties but mold may become an issue. Read The Natural Plaster Book by Cedar Rose Guelberth and

Pagina 26

• For tile floors, don’t forget to install a 3- to 4-inch baseboard using the same tiles as you use on the floors. This will protect the walls from da

Pagina 27 - Pitched Metal Roof

silicate/mineral or silicate dispersion• Silicate / mineral paints have a very low VOC level with very little odor, contain no solvents, are colorfast

Pagina 28

• Portland Cement is well-tolerated by those with chemical sensitivities for grout-ing in place of standard grout that con-tains plasticizers. (Note:

Pagina 29 - Aluminum Window Frame

refrigerator / freezer• Use transparent drawers to minimize risk of food spoilage.• If you have ES, consider purchasing a counter-height refrigerator/

Pagina 30

• Use stainless steel, or powder-coated steel.TV/book cabinets• House TV and other electronic equip-ment behind closed doors (glass works well) when n

Pagina 31

• Wood products; they harbor odors, use toxic sealants, will need re-finishing over a lifetime.• Porous materials requiring toxic sealants.• Solvents.

Pagina 32

sources1individual surveys of 18 people that built housing for someone with moderate to severe chemical and/or electrical sensitivities including: Ari

Pagina 33

29 flooring30 groutinggrout sealerkitchen counterkitchen backsplashkitchen cabinetry31 kitchen appliancesbathroom wall/floorsbathroom fixtures32 stora

Pagina 34

• Depending on the materials and consult-ants used to build your non-toxic home, you can expect to spend anywhere from the same as typical constructio

Pagina 35 - © Bojan Tezak / iStockphoto

• Choose a locale and climate where you have access to clean, fresh air and can keep your windows open most of the year.2• As a general rule, mountain

Pagina 36 - ©Marje Cannon / iStockphoto

AIR & NOISE POLLUTION from construction sites, industry, nuclear plants, traffic, air-ports, asphalt or parking lot fumes, future highways, neighb

Pagina 37 - 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

• Contact the building safety department in your local city or county to find out local building codes. Codes can affect anything from smoke detector

Pagina 38

• If at all possible, stay in a camper or buildtemporary housing and live on the land for a full year before building, to experi-ence it in every seas

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